Infrastructure intelligence at your fingertips
The Intelligent Infrastructure Control Centre (IICC) is a cloud-based digital platform that connects real-time complex engineering data sources to business-level decision-making processes. It was estimated that the economic impacts of the IICC could be considerable and so Costain with the TIES Living Lab collaborators set out to test the new system on the TIES demonstrator projects that use modern methods of construction and advanced logistics.
Within months a digital data centre was established that could digest terabytes of infrastructure data in real time and had the potential to be rapidly scaled. The platform is a way of bringing together many different aspects of data management through a common suite of analytical tools. It offers a dashboard of results and a series of forecast reports, addressing many of the current shortfalls of infrastructure control management systems. The platform provides a data-driven analytical approach to achieving sustainable development across an entire enterprise which is safer, better, faster, greener, and more efficient.
This provides infrastructure clients with a virtual facility to allow collaborative exchange of infrastructure investment and innovation to drive efficiencies. It also helps demonstrate the social value benefits in the economic illustration of the insights arising from the IICC demonstrator projects.
Going forward, the IICC model can be tailored to provide a versatile and widely available infrastructure data management tool. Its users will be empowered to achieve optimal value, efficiency, and impact from infrastructure projects, as a key part of creating a more sustainable future.