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Policy Impacts Conference

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Event Date:


Event Time:



Transport for London, Endeavour Square, London

Living Lab logo

Event Details:

The purpose of the Conference was to:

  • Promote the outcomes, lessons and achievements of the TIES Living Lab programme;
  • Demonstrate how the Living Lab is enabling the delivery of the TIP Roadmap 2030 and Construction Playbook;
  • Establish its legacy and ensure this enables government’s and industry’s plans for Construction Reform to improve infrastructure delivery.
  • Bring experts together to discuss how we can work more collaboratively to drive the right societal outcomes and deliver greater efficiency savings across our Infrastructure investments.

The event was separated into morning and afternoon sessions.



09.00 Registration opens

09.30 Welcome by host, Antony Oliver

09.35 TIES Living Lab Programme – the journey, benefits and legacy, Neil Robertson, CEO, NSAR

10.00 Keynote Speech by Andrew Stephenson, Minister of State at the Department for Transport

10.15 Roundtable Chaired by Andrew Stephenson MP

Theme: Construction Reform – How can we work more collaboratively to drive the right societal outcomes and deliver greater efficiency savings?

  • Neil Robertson, Chief Executive, NSAR (National Skills Academy for Rail)
  • Nick Smallwood, Chief Executive, Infrastructure and Projects Authority
  • Mark Reynolds, Chair of Construction Leadership Council and MACE CEO
  • Ed McCann, President of the Institution of Civil Engineers.
  • Sue Kershaw, Managing Director of Transportation, Costain.
  • Stuart Harvey, Chief Capital Officer, Transport for London
  • Jeremy Damrel, Development Director, East West Railway Company
  • Adam Simmons, Director, Future Road Investment Strategies, National Highways
  • Sam Stacey, Challenge Director – Transforming Construction at UKRI.
  • Mike O’Hare, HS2 Commercial Director
  • Darren James, Chief Executive Officer, Keltbray Group
  • Christian Irwin OBE, Rail Investment Centre of Excellence Director, Network Rail


11.15 Standards Steering Group, chaired by Andy Gordon, TfL

Theme: Harmonising standards in areas where innovations can deliver more bang for buck across multiple transport modes and where scaling these benefits drive efficiencies across the whole £650Bn infrastructure pipeline with Livia Garcia (RSSB) and Kerry Marchant (Network Rail).

The TIES Standards Collaboration Steering Group has developed a methodology for standards harmonisation


12.00 Lunch and Networking

Afternoon Session

13.30 Antony Oliver – Introduction of afternoon sessions

13.35 Cost Performance and Benchmarking

Theme: New benchmarking governance structures, performance metrics, collaborative processes, technologies, operating models and systems to share data and strengthen the partner’s capabilities. Policy impacts of the enabling benchmarking processes and technologies

Nick West (TfL), Liz Holford (NR), Gerard Toplass (Loop), Chris Fry, (Accelar), Dr Doug Forbes (WLC) Tom Hall (RSSB)


14.15 TIES Partners – Impacts of the Lab on future Infrastructure delivery

Theme: Based on the successes of the Living Lab, Transport for London and Network Rail are working partnership to scale dedicated Living Labs to drive wider organisational improvements. Kuldeep Gharatya (TfL)


14.35 Afternoon refreshments

14.50 A Government perspective: The direction of Construction Reform:

Delivery of the Transforming Infrastructure Performance (TIP) Roadmap 2030 and the Construction Playbook Nick Smallwood, IPA;
DfT Initiatives that are preparing the ground for Construction Reform Caroline Botwood, DfT Director, Chief Portfolio Officer


15.20 Final comments

15.30 Close